Applying Coping Techniques After Marijuana Addiction Treatment To Fight Relapse

Marijuana addiction treatment is designed to help recovering individuals overcome their addiction, and to assist them stay in recovery over a long period of time. However, despite the cannabis abuse treatment, they will continue to face difficult situations that may put their recovery at risk.

Identifying the Triggers

Luckily, there are coping mechanisms that can help recovering individuals deal with the everyday triggers. Addiction experts divide the triggers as internal and external. After marijuana addiction treatment, they may be triggered by thoughts and emotions that can lead them to use again. External factors are people, things and events that can put the individual’s recovery to test.

Ways To Avoid The Triggers

One coping technique that is applicable at all times is by avoiding them. After you have identified the internal and external triggers, you should work out on staying away from them after your  treatment for marijuana abuse. It means, avoiding the thoughts of using and doing creative activities instead. Avoiding places, where you have memories of using weeds, including your previous hangouts, bars and concerts.  

Following your marijuana addiction treatment, you should avoid the people you used to hang out and used drugs. If it means forgetting them, you should not have the second thoughts about it. Change your contact number and other means that they can contact you.

How To Deal With Difficult Events

Following your treatment for marijuana addiction, you’ll surely face triggers, no matter how you try to avoid them. Fortunately, there are also useful strategies that you can apply during these difficult situations:

• Don’t react to any marijuana cravings. Usually cravings and urges pass after 30 minutes without you doing anything with it.

• Remind yourself of the reason why you need to be sober. This is a useful technique that you can do immediately after your marijuana addiction treatment. Post notes at home and write the reason why you have to be sober. It will also help when you read it everyday .

• Whenever you feel the urge to use is so strong, think about the negative effects that your cannabis addiction has brought you. Before you had your cure for marijuana addiction, recall how your addiction affected your relationship, finances, family, job and other people.

• After your marijuana addiction treatment, you should create your own support group to help you during those difficult times. Talk to your therapist, peer in the 12-step meeting or your close friend when you feel the urge to use.

• Immediately escape the situation where you are facing the trigger.

• When you are hit by internal triggers, fight it back by some physical exertions. Do some exercise. You may also try yoga, meditation that can help you relax. As much as possible, you should eliminate all the stress after your marijuana addiction treatment options. Learn relaxation techniques and treat yourself once in a while in spa or massage.